Saturday, October 29, 2005

Girls vs. Boys

(Jessica is hanging her clothes out to dry on the balcony as Rae comes up to talk to her)
Rae: "Pssst! Hey Jessica!"
Jes: "yeah?"
Rae: "Did you hear the trick were going to play on the guys?"
Jes: "No! What is it?"
Rae: "Well we took, all the Halloween candy and hid it in various places throughout the apartment, Like in the Refrigerator and inside the Applejacks box on top of the fridge! And then were going to tell them that we gave it to the neighbor kids!"
Jes: "Oh man! Doug's gonna be mad!
Rae "I know!"
Jes: "He is always complaining about how he doesn’t get any candy!"
(Doug and Faye are in Jessica and Faye's room, sitting casually. Jessica enters)
Jes: "Hey guys!"
Doug: "hi Jessie!"
Faye: "hey Sweetie!"
(Rae enters the room)
Rae: "Hey Faye, did those kids by to collect the candy we promised them"
Jess: "What! We're giving the candy away"
Faye: "Uhh... no not yet" (gets up to leave the room Rae and Jessica follow)
(Jessica mouths to Faye I know the trick, Faye nods. all three smile with glee)
(Jessica and AJ are talking by the front door. the pumpkin where the candy used to be is close by)
AJ: "So I heard you guys hid all the candy!"
Jes: (Shocked to find out AJ knows) "What! Uhh no!"
AJ: "yeah!"
Jess: "I thought they were going to gave it to the kids" (lifts up pumpkin lid) "what were is it! What did they do with it! Ugh!"
AJ: (laughs) "so you had nothing to do with this"
Jess: "No! I no I heard there were some kids that were going to come by."
AJ: Ah! Well I need to go down stairs.
Jess: "Okay! Bye Friend!"
AJ: "Bye"
(Jessica goes into her room. Doug is trying to hug Faye. It’s a little awkward, but Jessica doesn't mind. She goes to her desk, works at her desk organizing things)
Doug: "You won't hug me all the way! It’s just a half hug! Jess, she isn't hugging me! She is only hugging me with one arm!"
Jes: "Faye you need to hug him!"
Faye: "He said my hug was 'half-ass' he said that!"
Jes: "well it kind of is! Roommate you got to hug him all the way!"
Doug: (laughs) "Thanks Jess!" (Gives Jessica a high five)
Jes: "Now kiss and make up!"
Faye: "If you say so!"
Jes: "yuck!"
(Jessica goes about the room putting stuff in her back pack, then comes back to her desk)
Doug: "So I found out that you guys hid the candy"
Jes: "Aww man!"
Doug: "speaking of which I am going to look right now!"
(Doug runs out of the room and into the kitchen, Jessica follows. He starts shuffling around in the fridge, and in the cabinets.)
Doug: "Jessica! Where is it!?"
Jes: "I don't know!" (Jessica mistakenly looks up at the Applejacks box, on top of the fridge. Doug notices)
Doug: "is it up here?
(Jessica stands there trying to play cool)
Doug: "it isn't in these cupboards, what about be hind the cereal...hey wait this is to heavy to be a box of cereal!" (He opens the box and laughs) you guys are silly! Ha Ha!! (Yelling) I found the candy! I found the candy! Its mine!" (Jessica puts the box back up on the fridge. Doug opens the fridge)
Doug: "why do you have it in the fridge?
Jes: "to hide it"
Doug: “I am going to take these to!"
Jes: “No!”
(Jessica takes some and Doug grabs the applejacks box and pours out the candy on the ground. the both fight for the candy, aiming for the chocolate first.)
Jes: "this is just like a piñata!"
(Jessica throws some tootsie rolls at Doug’s face. she then realizes he is taking most of the chocolate. she starts to grab more candy. they begin to fight. Faye enters the room as they are beating each other up)
Faye: "what's going on!"
Doug: "I found the candy!"
Jes: "I'm sorry roommate! I glanced at the applejacks box!"
Faye: "aww! Jess!"
Doug: "Ha Ha! And now I am taking it!"
(Doug runs out of the apartment down stairs, the girls chase after him into the boys apartment and knock him on the floor, and try to pin him down as he struggles. Stephen is in the living room reading)
Doug: "Stephen Help! They hid the candy from us!"
Stephen: "Wha!?"
Doug: "They hid all the candy from us! But I found it!"
(Stephen runs over and grabs Jessica, and fights her off of Doug, Faye tries to hold him back, but he gets loose and runs out the door up stairs)
Doug: "ha ha I am going to find all the candy!"
Faye: No Jess hurry! He is going up stairs!
(Jessica and Faye run up after him. he slams the door and locks it. Jessica runs back down stairs)
Jes: "I'll get the key!"
(She runs into the kitchen aiming for the kitchen drawer. Stephen stops her. and fights her off.)
Jes: "Faye Help!"
(Jessica frantically looks for the key in the drawer. AJ come out of his room and helps Stephen fight Jessica. He grabs her as she shuffles through the drawer and she bites his arm.)
Jes: "Faye! Help! Come quick!"
(Faye runs into the room. AJ grabs her. She fights off AJ as she is trying to look through the drawer. Doug comes in and tries to get the key. Faye tries to push him to the side. The key is spotted. Faye grabs for it. Then Jessica. Then Doug snatches it from the drawer jerks himself loose, runs up stairs and slams the door. He then comes out on the balcony and mocks at the girls)
Doug: "ha ha! I have the key!"
(Jessica casually walks into the boys' apartment and starts to grab their chocolate. Stephen notices and starts to come at her. She struggles to open her Velcro pockets. Stephen tries to get the candy from her, as she stuffed the candy in her pockets. She breaks free runs out he door and grabs more candy. AJ notices and chases after her she runs out the gate and then back to the apartment. They stop to notice Faye trying to climb the balcony. When she finds it to difficult, she jumps down)
Faye: "Jess lets go in there room!"
(The girls run into AJ and Doug's room. AJ and Stephen follow. Faye tries to take AJ's mouse; AJ grabs Faye while Stephen grabs Jessica. The wrestle, Jessica tries to throw Stephen in the closet. Faye run out of the room, AJ chases her. Andrew comes out of his room, he helps Stephen. They bring Jessica out into the living room Andrew grabs a pillow)
Jes: (Eyes wide with shook) "NO! Faye Help!"
(Andrew smiles and laughs)
Jes: "Faye help"
Andrew: "we don't need your yelling!"
(Andrew stuffs the pillow in Jessica's face. She jerks away Andrew and Stephen try to grab her. Andrew grabs Jessica and falls over the couch. Jessica sees that the circumstance looks awkward, she grabs at this opportune moment)
Jes: "awkward"
Andrew: "oh!"
(Jessica laughs and runs upstairs. Faye meets her there. they lock the door and collect all the candy on the ground and hide it. They come back down stairs aiming for AJ and Doug’s room. The boys fight them off. Jessica and Faye get into the boys' room, as just Stephen slips in. Faye sits against the door as Jessica tries to throw Stephen in the closet again. Stephen grabs hold of Faye and pulls her as Doug is on the other side of the door pushing the door open.)
Doug: "ha ha"
(Jessica runs to the window and pops the screen off. Faye is fighting off Doug)
Faye: "I'm breaking up with you after this! Jessica run away!"
Jes: "I need some shoes"
Doug: “Don't let her take my flip flops AJ!
(AJ tries to grab the flip-flops; Jessica grabs one of them and hits AJ)
Faye: "Come on Jess!"
(Jessica forgets the flip-flops and the girls escape out the window. Andrew looks out the window to see the neighbors popping their heads out their windows. They come back into the apartment. The boys fight them off. Jessica goes into AJ and Doug’s room, AJ follows, and she sits down at his desk. She looks around and notices "something of great value to AJ." She leaves the room and goes into the hallway. Stephen tries to grab her. She breaks loose Stephen chases her. She runs into AJ and Doug's room and snatches the "thing of great value" and hops out the window.)
Stephen: (doesn't notice) "Fine! Leave!"
(Jessica runs upstairs and hides It. she calls Doug)
Doug: "Hello"
Jes: "I need to talk to my roommate"
Doug: "She is kind of tied up right now."
Stephen "dose she get one phone call"
Faye: "I get one phone call." (Doug hands the phone to Faye) "Jessica I need your help"
Jes: "Faye! You gotta get up here."
Faye: "I can't, they are tying me up!"
Jes: (whispers)"I have AJ's 'thing of great value!'"
Faye: "What!?"
Jes: "I have AJ's --" (Andrew unlocks the door and enters)
Jes: "oh no! I gotta go! bye" (she hangs up)
(Jessica gets frustrated because she realizes she needs to go, but is still determined to communicate with Faye. she walks down stairs and heads into AJ and Doug’s room. and finds Faye tired on the floor. bye this time everyone is to tired to fight anymore)
Jes: (Sternly) "I need to talk to Faye! I have to go"
(Begins to whisper into Faye ear. Doug tries to listen in. Jessica whips around and glares)
Jes: "I am serious Doug! I need to leave!" (turns to Faye and whispers) "I took AJ's 'thing of great value' and I hid it in the _______"

-Fade out-

Thursday, October 27, 2005

:Insert Plug Here:

So... I know its been a long time since Rae has blogged... so to insure I get at least a few readers I am posting here to say I have updated. And it's about you guys. so go read it. and comment! pllllllease.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Yet more quotes...

I'll try to space out Andrews... cause he has so freakin many!

"I'm going to tell them all your dirty secrets"
-Faye to Doug

"Dude, where's my car?"
-Andrew, when his car was towed

"I think I just became lactose-intolerant."

"That's why my policy is no kids before 50."
-Andrew, on enjoying the good life

"He's geographically undesireable at the moment"
-Allison of Alex, living in Boston

"They always cheapen it for the Mexicans. 'You will laugh, you will cry, it's for the kids, bring your grandma!'"
-Andrew on Spanish preview of Edward Scissorhands

"It took me forever to figure out whether WWI came before WWII"
-Rae on history

"I thought you were just having a random homeless drive or something"

"100%, 100% then go for it!"
-Jessica on kissing on the alter

"You will always be in our hearts ...and our beds!"
-AJ and Andrew brainstorming on how to thank the mattress store

"So, like... you didn't even have to tell her you're Calvinist?"
-Rae to AJ on a CME

"I've come to the realization I could never have a serious conversation with anyone because I don't drink coffee"
-Andrew on Starbuck talks

"I really like having you as a roommate. With who else could I discuss the mechanics of a sandwich?"
-AJ to Doug on their sandwiches with tomatoes


"Adam, here's Eve..." "Well..?"
-Jeessica on attraction

"I don't like manhatten because its like Disneyland with Sex shops"
-Andrew on New York

"They're not worshiping, It's more like a holy sing-along"
-Stephen on what worship is like at UP

"Does your hair do the NBC peacock logo? I don't think so."

Train Phrases
"Preemptive props"
"Let's sidebar"
"Happy thankyou!"

The conquer's dominion

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A boy staying in the Girls apt????

yes its true... for 22 hours we had a little guy staying with us. his name was charlie, rodger, goober, andrew lycan, dougie, hottie, squirt, hun, femur... a wee little tike probably a jack rustle terrior/ chuwawa mix. I picked him up Sat night on the way home from church (almost ran over him) and dropped him off sunday night with a girl in the college group. sigh.... i... miss him.


Charlie hun