Monday, November 28, 2005

The Fourth Phase of the Underground Quote Board

“Dude, Karl Malden is the mother-freakin’ man.” – Andrew

“I learned the word ‘beotch’ in preschool.” – Faye

“Andrew Lycan says HI!” – Stephen yelling to the hills and stars of Paso

“Be creative, look on the internet.” – Shiloh on worship time

“Did you just call me Lei?” – Rae
“Yeah... I saw your pants.” – Stephen on a non-Freudian slip

“Feel free to move the mess on the couch so you can sit down.” – Rae to AJ
“What mess? Are you referring to me?” – Andrew

“Just wait till the kids start getting sick again... I’ll be bringing home some crazy stuff! ... This week it’s diarrhea.” – Bethany

“A-thoven.” – Brandy’s friend Frank, giving AJ a new nickname

“I wasn’t trying to look cool! That’s not something I have to strive for!” – Andrew on being Andrew

“It smells like a funhouse.” – Rae on playing cards

“At first I was like, ‘You’re pregnant?’” – Rae on Doug and Faye’s good news

Train Phrase


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