A boy staying in the Girls apt????
yes its true... for 22 hours we had a little guy staying with us. his name was charlie, rodger, goober, andrew lycan, dougie, hottie, squirt, hun, femur... a wee little tike probably a jack rustle terrior/ chuwawa mix. I picked him up Sat night on the way home from church (almost ran over him) and dropped him off sunday night with a girl in the college group. sigh.... i... miss him.
Charlie hun

Cheer up Charlie! (sorry for stealing your thunder Jess). At least I got to rub his spotted belly before he left. Glad he has a new home.
Oh my, he's cuuuuute.
Awww . . . he's cute. So that's the dog I heard such tell of?
yes it is, and as a matter of fact the pic was taken while we were talking to you :P
I miss that little Lycan Squirt! :'(
He was sure fun! And it was cute the way he ran (aka pranced) around the livingroom floor. ah, miss that kid.
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